Yvette Grove

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The Principle of Enough Epiphany Deux/Waiting for Enough

The second trigger, if you will, in this path of pondering was when someone close to me who is and always has been quite successful made the statement “When I am successful”….. “What???!!!! In what universe are you not successful?” I said “Everything you have touched since you were a child has been successful.” I realized it didn’t matter, that is how he felt, and if I was honest I felt that too while others had the same reaction in my case. What are we chasing I thought as I realized that is a statement if not vocalized by most, is in fact their reality.

The Principle of Enough…. What if we knew we were enough…. What if we knew there was enough.

Most of us are chasing in some form or another the when I am…. or when I have…..

Waiting for Enough

We waste our life waiting for the one, our ship, even heaven,  is that why Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God is with in you” Luke 17:21, He said that because we keep looking outside ourselves for something more, something else. I often realize I wasted too much of life waiting for something, looking for something instead of just living in the moment, in the fullness of what is.  I realized we are taught from a young age starting with fairy tales and sometimes even religion that we need something more.  We are the only part of creation that can’t seem to be, we are constantly searching, striving, hoping, escaping… anything but being.  When I reflect on much of what Jesus said, I now see it from a different perspective, this is exactly what he lived, what he taught, we still can’t seem to embody it.  Why would The I Great I Am create us just for us to wish we weren’t here or focus on when we won’t be.  

Two bible verses come to mind while I write this:

We have ALL we need for life and Godliness (2 Peter 1:3) and In Him we live and move and have our BEING. (Acts 17:28)  I will throw in a third, Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps 37:4)

These absolutely contradict the idea that we aren’t enough and that there is something we have to do so we can be enough or somewhere else we are supposed to be.


I feel we have bought into something that keeps us from enjoying, surviving and just plain living the life we have been entrusted.  It keeps us from accepting what is and even finding the good.  Life is tragic sometimes and then it’s euphoric sometimes but I can’t imagine we were put here to escape or wish it away.  


I have failed to be present much of my life because I bought the lie that life, joy, peace, happiness, fulfillment, heaven, God, enough, was out “there” some other place, some other time. When I….. or When this…

 If the kingdom is with in me and I have ALL I need then life should be simpler.. not always pain free, in fact I am pretty sure pain, difficulty and heart ache will be in there too, but there is something to be said for being fully present for that as well I think.  Maybe it’s like M Scott Peck said in The Road Less Traveled “Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.”  It no longer matters because we realize it is all a part of life, the big messy, crazy, fun, painful, beautiful, the tragic, the magic…  it’s all a part of life and that acceptance and expectation make it far less difficult.

If we have all all we need, then we don’t need a prince, we don’t need a ship we just need to seek First the Kingdom that is within us, show up and be.


 *Disclaimer: A Course in Miracles says we teach best what we need to learn… so there you go