The Seed of Enough

I have all I need for life & Godliness (God-likeness) says the Bible-

My concept of God has greatly expanded over the years-I feel the image of God many of us have or have had is really made in the image of man-an image that historically comes from a limited point of view.  To me God (JH/WH is my preference as it was used as there is no word or way to define the Source of All) is not a man in the sky -a sort of Gandalf if you will, but the source and the very DNA of all living things yet still so much more beyond that-

The concept of God is mind blowing really and it should be, or our JH/WH is way too small.  The inability to really define the Source of Life and Creator of All, is actually quite excitingl, what if we pursued with curiosity, a wide open mind and heart as opposed to clinging to dogma, and theology limiting our experience with that Source of Life.

What is just marvelous to me is that we are the teeniest tiniest spec on a spec of an earth in just one galaxy among so many, yet each spec is like this tiny seed that has all it needs to be exactly what is was designed.  When our roots grow down deep in God’s marvelous love, nurtured by the divine elements, beautiful one of a kind growth blooms and fruit comes forth from the source of life.

My prayer has become

JH/WH God, show me - fill me -

clear out all that blocks in this conduit so the force of love flows abundant & freely -

You are everything & in everything- Amen

Yvette Grove